Wednesday 25 June 2008


Well yesterday was very exciting because I had the opportunity to go into the studio and hear the audio version of the Glassblower of Murano being recorded! We've been very lucky to get Kate Magowan for the voice of Leonora - an extremely talented actress and stunning to boot! (last seen in Hollywood blockbuster 'Stardust' alongside Robert Deniro and Michelle Pfeiffer, and now she's reading my humble book!) She's got a beautiful speaking voice, and in the extract I heard she really brought the novel to life. The Corradino story is read by terrific half-Italian actor Cristian Solimeno, who gives his extracts a real sense of danger and adventure in his deep tones.

Paul Kent, an experienced radio director who includes The Archers on his CV, is at the helm of the project, and is now enjoying the challenge of cutting the two storylines together, interspersed with original music commisioned for the purpose.

It's all very exciting, and on the evidence of what I heard it's going to be wonderful!

The recording will be available for sale or download from Beautiful Sounds later this summer.

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